at last!


"Helpful. Honest. Professional"

"Interesting info packed with healthy eating advice. No gimmicks"

"Very informative"

"Informative, easy to follow, interesting, comprehensive"

"A great opportunity to learn (or change your thinking) about a lifelong plan to be healthy and to look after yourself. You'll learn that instead of fad diets and hours in the gym, you need to learn what your body needs to thrive and to have a healthy relationship with food, and yourself"

The Top 5 Hashi's Weight Loss Myths

In an hour you'll finally understand why weight loss with Hashi's requires a unique approach that doesn't involve the usual suspects like fad diets & deprivation. 

Discover how fasting, calorie counting, over-exercising & carb cutting may be doing you more harm than good and how with the right strategy can make good food your ally to effortless weight loss and abundant energy despite a Hashimoto's diagnosis.

"Watching Tessa's Webinar has given me the belief that I CAN live a life I've only ever dreamed of! I started losing weight after doing just a couple of things discussed in the webinar. I decided to take up Tessa on her free 30min consult, which in reality was almost an hour and since then I have made a few more changes and lost even more weight. You have nothing to loose but everything to gain by watching this free webinar."

- Karen


Karen watched my webinar, applied what she learnt and the Hashimoto's weight " started falling off "

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"Margi's guide was kick-ass indeed and quite literally changed how I show up on social." - Jen Olmstead

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