The hidden cellular block that may have you trapped in hypothyroid symptoms.
When I say I’ve been down in the trenches with you, I’m not joking. I’ve experienced alllll the crappy (pardon the pun) symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease including the all too common constipation that my clients struggle with too. I had a raging small intestinal bacterial overgrowth – if you don’t know what that is read […]
1/ Healing is a marathon not a sprint I was privileged as a Nutritionist student who understood that despite what the GP was telling me, I was not ok, this was not normal, nor the simple consequence of simply ‘doing too much’. From the moment my head lifted off the pillow in the morning I […]
I am not dogmatic about food, I’ve never been the kind of nutritionist who told allll my clients they had to stop eating dairy/gluten and feast on a diet of sunlight and rainbows. After spending most of my 20s on either the Paleo, low FODMAP, SIBO Biphasic, low Histamine and The Autoimmune Protocol diets in […]
Humans aren’t great at sticking to resolutions because when the reward is too distant in the future or too vague, most of us choose the immediate reward now because the pull of instant gratification is too strong. This has given New Years resolutions a bad rap but are they complete BS? Everyone seems to have […]
I knew about 10 minutes in that I was in trouble. 10km wasn’t far, I had done 5, 6, 7km often. The difference was in the pack I was carrying. It wasn’t until we were loading up at the car that I realised the all important strap that causes your hips to take most of […]
I’ve encountered a lot of confusion and misinformation on whether there is a ‘cure’ for Hashimoto’s on the internet. Rumours abound! Sheryl from Canberra says one thing, Monica’s GP told her this, Suzie’s myotherapist has another opinion and Kara’s next door neighbour sells this all natural pill which is practically a cure for everything so […]
Let’s have a talk about hay fever. It’s been on my mind lately because every second person is complaining about it and for the first time in 8 years, I’ve had nary a sniffle or an itch. You see, when my health imploded with Hashimoto’s disease I had the most horrific two years of gut issues. […]
So often I hear the words, ‘No matter what I try, I’m always exhausted’. Fatigue associated with Hashimoto’s disease is unrelenting, all-encompassing and usually comes with a hefty dose of brain fog and mental confusion, sometimes dizziness and frequently, low moods. It doesn’t tend to improve with sleep or any of the usual strategies. It’s […]
Initially Kara was not sure she wanted to work with me or do Metabolic Balance. She was extremely doubtful it was going to work. After 8 years as a vegetarian and 2 as a vegan following the advice of the Medical Medium, Kara was nervous to try animal proteins again, fearing it would make her antibodies […]
Got a cuppa? Let’s discuss the controversial topic of late night snacking. I see a lot of messaging on social media saying you should be eating supper before bed, it’s good for you they say! Can I give you my two cents? Have you noticed that a lot of what I share with you is […]
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