
Confused about Dairy & Hashimoto’s?

Understand the different types of dairy intolerances & work out whether it might be an issue for you.

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5 kitchen hacks that save you time and energy Does it feel like you’re spending waaaaaay too much time in the kitchen and when you’re not in the kitchen you’re thinking about what to cook? Feeding ourselves and our family can take up a lot of brain power and add to our mental load significantly […]

5 kitchen hacks that save you time and energy

Whole foods

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Every fortnight I send out a little Hello from me to you. It's always got some helpful tidbits for making your Hashi's health goals a reality.

I'm generous so I also send out recipes and other freebies which aren't available elsewhere. You might also hear abut a free workshop I'm hosting or other events I think you might be interested in.

Integrity is very important to me so I respect your time (and brain space!) and only touch base once a fortnight, nooo maam there is no spam! If you're thinking about collaborating with me on your health journey then it's a good way to see if you think we are a good fit too.

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