
Confused about Dairy & Hashimoto’s?

Understand the different types of dairy intolerances & work out whether it might be an issue for you.

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Christmas Greetings! I just want to take 2 minutes to talk to you about the silly season, it’s well & truly arrived. I was walking through the city this week and even on a Wednesday night it was clear that many a Christmas party was occurring in every restaurant & bar we walked past. We […]

My 5 tips to enjoy Christmas feasting


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Every fortnight I send out a little Hello from me to you. It's always got some helpful tidbits for making your Hashi's health goals a reality.

I'm generous so I also send out recipes and other freebies which aren't available elsewhere. You might also hear abut a free workshop I'm hosting or other events I think you might be interested in.

Integrity is very important to me so I respect your time (and brain space!) and only touch base once a fortnight, nooo maam there is no spam! If you're thinking about collaborating with me on your health journey then it's a good way to see if you think we are a good fit too.

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